Michael Mose Biskjær as new PhD fellow

Michael Mose Biskjær, MA, has recently joined DUL as a PhD fellow. Since graduating from Aarhus University, Michael has taught a number of academic courses and has worked on a recently completed innovation research project at Aarhus School of Business. In a collaboration with The LEGO Group, this project has developed the first-ever model for lead user-based entrepreneurship.

Michael’s PhD research centres on improving the understanding of collaborative, creative processes within the realm of digital media. Both classic and current avant-garde movements have developed and refined innovative and effective intervention techniques – such as obstructions, imperatives, arbitrariness etc. – to ignite and stimulate creative processes.

The multidisciplinary potential of these artistically highly influential techniques, however, has been scantly explored. To fill the void, Michael’s PhD project aims to localise, analyse and systematise a careful selection of these avant-garde ’best practice’-techniques in order to test their applicability and further potential in evoking and stimulating creative processes within digital design and innovation. Given our explorative, case-based research approach, DUL is an optimum setting for Michael’s PhD project.

Tags: people | user-driven innovation


Contact Info

Center for Digital Urban Living
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Email: info@digitalurbanliving.dk
Tel. (+45) 8942 9205
Fax (+45) 8942 9201

