Andersen, C. U., & Rohde, A. L. (2012). Et brand skal kunne spilles. Markedsfoering, (6), 48-48.
Hansen, L. K. (2012). Gemmer du, så glemmer jeg: overvejelser om den medierede erindrings grænser. Passepartout, (33).
Hansen, L. K. (2012). Ubekymrethedens taktik: Om garn, it og flygtigt anarki. Peripeti, særnummer("Kunst, kreativitet og viden"), 110-125.
Iversen, O. S., Halskov, K., & Leong, T. W. (2012). Values-Led Participatory Design. CoDesign, 8(2-3), 87-103.
Knudsen, B. T., & Nielsen, A. E. (2012). Acts that matter: staging ethics as energized relationships in the new economy. Social Responsibility Journal.
Pold, S. B. (2012). Den digitale litterære kultur og bibliotekerne: Stram forretningsmodel eller litterær udfordring? En diskussion ud fra to aktuelle bogformater. Dansk biblioteksForskning : tidsskrift for informations- og kulturformidling, 1. årgang(1/2), 19-30.
Andersen, Sophie Esmann; Nielsen, Anne Ellerup. (2012). CSR as value co-creation. International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, USA.
Basballe, D. A., & Halskov, K. (2012). Dynamics of Research through Design. I: Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems 2012. (s. 58-67). Newcastle upon Tyne: Association for Computing Machinery.
Biskjaer, M. M., & Dalsgaard, P. (2012). Toward a Constraint-Oriented Pragmatist Understanding of Design Creativity. I: Proceeding of ICDC 2012, Galsgow.
Brynskov, M., Lunding, R., & Vestergaard, L. S. (2012). The Design of Tools for Sketching Sensor-Based Interaction. I: Proceedings of ACM TEI 2012. New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
Dalsgaard, P., Halskov, K., & Harrison, S. (2012). Supporting Reflection in and on Design Processes. I: Proceedings of Designing Interactive Systems 2012. Newcastle upon Tyne: Association for Computing Machinery.
Günzel, Franziska; Holm, Anna B. (2012). An unequable race : When business models need to follow technology adaptation. 2012. 12th EURAM conference, Rotterdam, Holland.
Holm, Anna Borisovna; Ulhøi, John Parm; Uliyanova, Anastasia. (2012) Business model innovation: The Danish newspaper industry’s response to the decline in traditional markets. 10th World Media Economics and Management Conference.
Iversen, O. S., & Smith, R. C. (2012). Scandinavian Participatory Design: Dialogic curation with Teenagers. I: Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children. New York.
Vines, J., Clarke, R. , Iversen, O. S., Light, A., & Wright, P. (2012). Perspectives on Participation: Evaluating cross-disciplinary tools, methods and practices. I: Proceedings of Designing Interaction Systems. (s. 799-800). New York.
Andersen, C. U., & Cox, G. (2012). World of the News - The World's Greatest Peer-reviewed Newspaper of In/Compatible Research. (2 udg.) Aarhus, Berlin.
Brynskov, M., Halskov, K., & Kabel, L. (red.) (2012). Byens Digitale Liv. Digital Urban Living. Ajour.
Cox, G., & Andersen, C. U. (red.) (2012). World of the News: The World's Greatest Peer-Reviewed newspaper of In/Compatible Research. Berlin/Aarhus: transmediale/darc, Aarhus university.
Halskov, K., Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, H., Lee, Y-K., Simonsen, J., & Bødker, K. (red.) (2012). Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference. Volume 1. Roskilde.
Halskov, K., Iversen, O. S., Büscher, M., Simonsen, J., & Bødker, K. (red.) (2012). Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference. Volume 2. Roskilde.
Andersen, C. U., & Cox, G. (2012). In/Compatible Research Editorial. I: World of the News - The World's Greatest Peer-reviewed Newspaper of In/Compatible Research. (2 udg.) (s. 2-2). Aarhus, Berlin.
Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (2012). Competing Compatibilities at the Interface. Andersen, C. U., & Cox, G. (red.), I: World of the News - The World's Greatest Peer-reviewed Newspaper of In/Compatible Research. (2 udg.) (s. 4-4). Aarhus, Berlin.
Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (2012). Cultural Business Interfaces in Digital Art and Culture: Between controlled consumption and free culture. Andersen, C. U., & Cox, G. (red.), I: World of the News - The World's Greatest Peer-reviewed Newspaper of In/Compatible Research. (2 udg.) (s. 24-24). Aarhus, Berlin.
Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (2012). Softwarebyens udfordring. Brynskov, M., Halskov, K., & Kabel, L. (red.), I: Byens digitale liv. (s. 26-33). Aarhus: Forlaget Ajour.
Andersen, S. E., & Nielsen, A. E. (2012). Medansvar i byrummet - Fra digitale oplevelser til kommunikative indsigter om den klimabevidste borger. Brynskov, M., Halskov, K., & Kabel, L. (red.), I: Byens Digitale Liv/Digital Urban Living. Kapitel 3.(s. 122-131). Aarhus: Ajour.
Basballe, D. A., & Fritsch, J. (2012). Digitale og interaktive teknologier som oplevelse. Brynskov, M., Halskov, K., & Kabel, L. (red.), I: Byens Digitale Liv - Digital Urban Living. (1 udg.) (s. 40-49). Aarhus: Forlaget Ajour.
Brynskov, M., Dalsgaard, P., & Halskov, K. (2012). Urbane Interfaces. Brynskov, M., Halskov, K., & Kabel, L. (red.), I: Byens Digitale Liv - Digital Urban Living. Kapitel 59.(s. 52). Aarhus: Ajour.
Cox, G. (2012). Alternatywy nie ma. Krajewski, P., & Kutlubasis-Krajewska, V. (red.), I: WRO 2011 Alternative Now Catalog. Wroclaw: WRO Foundation for Media Art.
Cox, G. (2012). Virtual Suicide as Decisive Political Act. Sützl, W., & Hug, T. (red.), I: Activist Media and Biopolitics: Critical Media Interventions in the Age of Biopower. Kapitel 118.(s. 105). Innsbruck: University of Innsbruck Press.
Cox, G. (2012). Wirtualne samobójstwo jako definitywny akt polityczny. Celiński, P. (red.), I: Mindware: Technologie dialogu. Kapitel 145. (s. 133). Lublin: Lublin College of Enterprise and Administration.
Cox, G., & Jackson, R. (2012). Platforme, Indkapsling og Ren Kode. I: Byens Digitale Liv. (s. 172-179). Aarhus: Forlaget Ajour.
Ebsen, T., Dalsgaard, P., & Halskov, K. (2012). Mediearkitektur: Bygninger er fremtidens medie. Brynskov, M., Halskov, K., & Kabel, L. (red.), I: Byens Digitale Liv. (s. 97-106). Aarhus.
Holm, A. B., Ulhøi, J. P., & Uliyanova, A. (2012). Krise og innovation i dagbladsindustriens forretningsmodeller. Brynskov, M., Halskov, K., & Kabel, L. (red.), I: Byens Digitale Liv. (s. 108-119). Ajour.
Iversen, O. S., & Smith, R. C. (2012). Connecting to Everyday Practices: Experiences from the Digital Natives Exhibition. I: Heritage and Social Media. Routledge / Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publ.
Iversen, O. S., Dalsgaard, P., & Halskov, K. (2012). Deltagelse i Byens Digitale Liv. Brynskov, M., Halskov, K., & Kabel, L. (red.), I: Byens Digitale Liv - Digital Urban Living. Kapitel 71.(s. 62). Aarhus: Ajour.
Kabel, L. , Brynskov, M., & Halskov, K. (2012). Byens Digitale Liv: Konklusioner og perspektiver. I: Byens Digitale Liv - Digital Urban Living. Kapitel 185.(s. 180). Aarhus: Ajour.
Pold, S. B., & Andersen, C. U. (2012). How to Experience and Relate to Climate Change: The Role of Digital Climate Art. Paldam, C. S., & Wamberg, J. (red.), I: The Artwork between Technology and Nature. Ashgate.
Dalsgaard, P., Halskov, K., & Hansen, N. B. (2012). The Project Reflection Tool. Abstract from Designing Interactive Systems 2012, Newcastle, Storbritannien.
Halskov, K., & Hansen, N. B. (2012). PD Research: Informative labeling. Paper presented at Participatory Design Conference, Roskilde, Danmark.
Andersen, S. E., & Nielsen, A. E. (2011). Climate conscious citizenship in a digital urban setting. MedieKultur, vol. 27, no. 50, side 119-142.
Halskov, K., & Dalsgaard, P. (2011). Using 3-D Projection to Bring a Statue to Life. Interactions (New York), 18/3. 2011.
Hansen, L. K. (2011). Temporære ubekymrede zoner med garn og it. Peripeti.
Knudsen, B. T., & Nielsen, A. E. (2011). Acts that matter: staging ethics as energized relationships in the new economy. Social Responsibility Journal. (submitted)
Pold, S., & Andersen, C. U. (2011). The Scripted Spaces of Urban Ubiquitous Computing: The experience, poetics, and politics of public scripted space. Fibreculture Journal, 2011(19), 110-125.
Sophie Esmann Andersen, & Nielsen, A. E. (2011). Climate conscious citizenship in a digital urban setting. MedieKultur.
Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (2011). A Conceptual Gap Between Art and Business?. Paper presented at ISEA 2011 Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (2011). Digital Art and Culture After Industry?. I Christian Ulrik, A., Geoff, C., & Jacob, L. (red.), Public Interfaces (1 udg.) (s. 19). Aarhus: Center for Digital Æstetik-forskning.
Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (2011). The Kind of Problem a Software City Is. Paper presented at ISEA 2011 Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (2011). The Patterns of Software Cities. I Public Interfaces(1 udg.) (s. 1,2-3). Aarhus: Center for Digital Æstetik-forskning.
Bazzichelli, T. (2011). When Art Goes Disruptive: The A/Moral Dis/Order of Recursive Publics. I Nyhedsavisen: Public Interfaces(1 udg.) (s. 22-23). Aarhus University: Center for Digital Æstetik-forskning.
Bazzichelli, T., & Cox, G. (2011). Don't Hate the Business! Become the Business!. Paper presented at ISEA 2011 Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
Breinbjerg, M. (2011). 'Touched Echo': The sense of a ghost. Paper presented at ISEA 2011 Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
Breinbjerg, M., Ebsen, T., Riis, M. S., & Lunding, R. (2011). Interfacing CO2: the villain of climate change. Paper presented at OzCHI 2011, Canberra, Australien.
Brynskov, M., Fritsch, J., & Leong, T. W. (2011). Bridging the affective gap to make news felt: Spaces of aestheticized public voice. In Bridging the affective gap to make news felt: Spaces of aestheticized public voice Brisbane, Australia.
Brynskov, M., Lunding, R., & Vestergaard, L. S. (2011). DUL Radio: A light-weight, wireless toolkit for sketching in hardware. I Tangible and Embedded Interaction Work-in-Progress Workshop Proceedings(s. 67-72).
Brynskov, M., Strøbech, K., & Bang, J. (2011). Citizen Journalism & Public Interfaces: Creating active citizenship via the web-portal DinBy.dk. In Public Interfaces DARC Digital Aesthetics Research Center.
Cox, G. (2011). Public Interfa(e)ces. I Nyhedsavisen: Public Interfaces(1 udg.). Aarhus University: Center for Digital Æstetik-forskning.
Dalsgaard, P., Dindler, C., & Halskov, K. (2011). Understanding the dynamics of engaging interaction in public spaces. Paper presented at INTERACT, Lisbon, Portugal.
Dalsgaard, P., & Halskov, K. (2011). 3D Projection on Physical Objects: Design Insights from Five Real Life Cases. I Proceedings for the 29th Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(s. 1041-1050). ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction.
Dalsgaard, P., Dindler, C., & Halskov, K. (2011). Understanding the dynamics of engaging interaction in public spaces. Paper presented at INTERACT, Lisbon, Portugal.
Hansen, L. K., Rico, J., Jacucci, G., Brewster, S., & Ashbrook, D. (2011). Performative interaction in public space. I Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems(s. 49-52). (CHI EA '11). Association for Computing Machinery.
Holm, A., & Ulhøi, J. P. (2011). Strategy renewal through business model innovation: The newspaper industry's response to the decline in traditional markets. Paper presented at 12th International CINet Conference, Aarhus, Danmark.
Nielsen, A. E., & Andersen, S. E. (2011). Can flat packs save the world? - Transforming CSR to sustainability. Paper presented at International Communication Association Conference 2011, 2011 conference "Communication @ the Center", Boston, USA.
Nielsen, A. E., & Andersen, S. E. (2011). CSR as value co-creation: a conceptual consumer approach. Paper presented at 10th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility , New Orleans, USA.
Pold, S. B., & Andersen, C. U. (2011). Digital Art and Culture After Industry? Paper presented at ISEA 2011 Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey.
Andersen, C. U. (2011). Writerly Gaming : Political Gaming (Acta Jutlandica; 1). (Humanities Series; 1). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
Andersen, C. U., Cox, G., & Lund, J. (red.) (2011). Nyhedsavisen: Public Interfaces (1 udg.) Aarhus: Center for Digital Æstetik-forskning.
Pold, S., & Andersen, C. U. (red.) (2011). Interface Criticism: Aesthetics Beyond Buttons (Acta Jutlandica). (Humanities Series I). Århus Universitetsforlag.
Andersen, C. U. (2011). Writerly Gaming : Political Gaming I Pold, S., & Andersen, C. (eds.), Interface Criticism : Aesthetics beyond Buttons(Acta Jutlandica). (Humanities Series 1). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
Bazzichelli, T. (2011). When Art Goes Disruptive: The A/Moral Dis/Order of Recursive Publics. In Nyhedsavisen: Public Interfaces (1 ed.) (pp. 22-23). Aarhus University: Centre for Digital Aesthetic Research.
Breinbjerg, M. (2011). Poesis of human-computer interaction: Music, materiality and live coding.. I I Pold, S., & Andersen, C. (eds.), Interface Criticism : Aesthetics beyond Buttons(Acta Jutlandica). (Humanities Series 1).
Cox, G. (2011). Means-End of Software. I Pold, S., & Andersen, C. (eds.), Interface Criticism: Aesthetic Beyond Buttons 161.(s. 145). (Acta Jutlandica + Humanities Series). Arhus: Århus Universitet.
Cox, G., & Knahl, M. (2011). Freedom, Control, Security: Current and Future Implications for Internet Governance. I El Morr, C., & Maret, P. (red.), Virtual Community Building and the Information Society: Current and Future Directions 248.(s. 238). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Fritsch, J., & Brynskov, M. (2011). Between Experience, Affect, and Information: Experimental Urban Interfaces in the Climate Change Debate. I From Social Butterfly to Engaged CitizenKapitel 134.(s. 115). MIT Press. Hansen, L. K. (2011). The interface at the skin. I Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (red.), Interface Criticism: Aesthetics beyond the buttons(Acta Jutlandica). (Humanities Series). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Pold, S. (2011). Interface Perception: The Cybernetic Mentality and Its Critics: Ubermorgen.com. I Pold, S. B., & Andersen, C. U. (red.), Interface Criticism: Aesthetics Beyond the Buttons(s. 91-113). (Acta Jutlandica). (Humanities Series 1). Århus Universitetsforlag.
Pold, S. B., & Andersen, C. U. (2011). How to Experience and Relate to Climate Change: The Role of Digital Climate Art. In Paldam, C. S., & Wamberg, J. (Eds.), The Artwork between Technology and Nature. Ashgate.
Breinbjerg, M. (2011). Poesis of human-computer interaction: Music, materiality and live coding. In Interface Criticism : Aesthetics beyond Buttons (Acta Jutlandica). (Humanities Series 1).
Brynskov, M. (2011). Et interface til journalistiske og sociale objekter. I Kabel, L., Brynskov, M., Stentoft, M., Berg, J. F., & Østergaard, T. (red.), Et medie til håndenKapitel 4.(s. 26-34). Ajour.
Cox, G. (2011). Notes on 120days of Ubuntu. /120days of Ubuntu by Danja Vasiliev & Gordan Savicic. /(s. 10-11)//Beaver Press.
Cox, G. (2011). Introduction. David Link - Machine Heart / Das Herz der Maschine, Documenta 13: 100 Notizen - 100 Gedanken, series No. 037. Hatje Cantz (German/English).
Cox, G. (2012). Virtual Suicide as Decisive Political Act. Sützl, W., Hug, T. (red.), Activist Media and Biopolitics: Critical Media Interventions in the Age of Biopower, Innsbruck, Innsbruck University Press. (s. 105-118).
Cox, G. (2011). Means-End of Software. In Pold, S., & Andersen, C. (Eds.), Interface Criticism: Aesthetic Beyond Buttons Chapter 161.(pp. 145). (Acta Jutlandica + Humanities Series). Aarhus: Aarhus University.
Cox, G., McLean, A., & Ward, A. (2011). Praxis de la programmation: reconsidérer L'esthétique do code généneratif. I Lartigaud, D. (red.), Art++(Script udg.) 1.(s. 77-87). (Script; 2). Orléans, France: HYX Editions.
Hansen, L. K. (2011). The interface at the skin. In Andersen, C. U., & Pold, S. B. (Eds.), Interface Criticism: Aesthetics beyond the buttons (Acta Jutlandica). (Humanities Series). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
Kabel, L., Brynskov, M., & Stentoft, M. (2011). Et nyt medie til hånden. I Et medie til håndenKapitel 8.(s. 63-67). Ajour.
Kabel, L., & Brynskov, M. (2011). Produktet, processen og metoderne. I Kabel, L., Brynskov, M., Stentoft, M., Berg, J. F., & Østergaard, T. (red.), Et medie til hånden(s. 11-16). Ajour.
Pold, S., & Andersen, C. U. (2011). Interface Criticism: Aesthetics Beyond Buttons. I Pold, S. B., & Andersen, C. U. (red.), Interface Criticism: Aesthetics Beyond the Buttons(s. 7-18). (Acta Jutlandica). (Humanities Series 1). Aarhus: Århus Universitetsforlag.
Bazzichelli, T. (2011). Paolo Cirio. Quando il furto diventa arte. Digimag, (63).
Brynskov, M. (2011). Review: Digital Content Creation: Perceptions, Practices & Perspectives. MedieKultur, (50).
Brynskov, M. (2011). Smart Aarhus: Participatory Digital City Development in Scandinavia. Abstract from u-World, Dalian, Kina.
Brynskov, M., Strøbech, K., & Bang, J. (2011). Citizen Journalism & Public Interfaces: Creating active citizenship via the web-portal DinBy.dk. I Public InterfacesDARC Digital Aesthetics Research Center.
Dindler, C., Iversen, O. S., & Krogh, P. G. (2011). Engagement through Mixed Modalities. Interactions (New York), 18(4), 34-39.
Halskov, K. (2011). CAVI - An interaction design research lab. Interactions (New York), 18(4), 92-95.
Kabel, L., Brynskov, M., Stentoft, M., Berg, J. F., & Østergaard, T. (2011). Et medie til hånden Ajour.
Pold, S. B. (2011). The Modern Machine: About Mogens Jacobsen's OECDlab Istanbul: PiST/// Istanbul.
Smith, R., & Iversen, O. S. (2011). Digital Natives. MID magasin, (nr. 24), 8-11.
Smith, R., & Iversen, O. S. (2011). When The Museum Goes Native. Interactions (New York), 18(5), 15-19.
Vandsø, A., & Hansen, L. K. (2011). Sanselig, spekulativ og spektakulær krigsforestilling: Anmeldelse af War Sum Up, Hotel Proformas manga opera om krigens væsen. Peripeti.
Reviewed Journal Articles
Bazzichelli, T (2010): 'Towards a Critique of Social Networking: Practices of Networking in Grassroots Communities From Mail Art to the Case of Anna Adamolo', Interface: A Journal for and About Social Movements, vol 2, nr 2.
Bazzichelli, T (2010): ''If You Can't Hack 'em, Absorb 'em' or the Endless Dance of the Corporate Revolution", in Geoff
Cox, Nav Naq & Tom Trevor, eds., /Art, Activism & Recuperation: Concept Store #3/, Bristol: Arnolfini 2010, pp. 74-9.
Dindler, C (2010): 'The construction of fictional space in participatory design practice', Journal of CoDesign, Taylor & Francis, iFirst.
Gad, C & Hansen, LK (2010): 'Resistance is fertile - om overvågningens oligoptiske blik', K og K.
Halskov, K (2010) 'Kinds of inspiration in interaction design', Digital Creativity, 21: 3, 186 - 196. Nielsen, A E & Andersen, S E (2010): 'Climate conscious citizenship in a digital urban setting', Mediekultur.
Pold, S (2010): 'Overvågningens kunst: Overvågningsdystopier og interfacebegær i det urbane rum i 1984, Faceless og andre urbane interfaces', K og K, vol 38. årgang, nR 110, S 9-26.
Reviewed Conference Articles
Andersen, S E & Nielsen, A E (2010): ”Climate conscious relations in a digital urban setting”. Proceedings from the 43th Annual Hawaii International conference on system Sciences, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, 5-8 January 2010.
Basballe, D A & Halskov, K (2010): 'Projections on museum exhibits - engaging visitors in the museum setting', OZCHI 2010 Proceedings, Association for Computing Machinery, S 80-87.
Biskjaer, M. M., Dalsgaard, P. and Halskov, K. (2010): "Creativity Methods in Interaction Design." In Desire '10: Proceedings of the First Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design. Aarhus, Denmark, August.
Bossen, C, Dindler, C, & Iversen, O S (2010): Users' gains and PD's aims: Assessment from a participatory design projecT I: Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Conference on Participatory Design: Participation :: the challenge. Sydney.
Breinbjerg, M, Riis, MS, Ebsen, T & Lunding, R (2010): 'Experiencing the non-sensuous: On measurement, representation and conception in urban art installations', NordiCHI 2010, Extending Boundaries.
Breinbjerg, M (2010): 'From Representation to Action: How Art Addresses Climate Change', 16th International Symposium of Electronic ArT ISEA2010 RUHR Conference ProceedingS, S 160-162.
Breinbjerg, M (2010): 'Poesis of Software Use', 16th International Symposium On Electronic ArT ISEA2010 RUHR Conference ProceedingS, S 127-129.
Cox, G (2010): 'Antisocial Notworking', in Web Studies, Proceedings of the 1st. international congress, Everardo Reyes-Garcia & Imad Saleh, eds, Paris: Europia, S 8-16.
Cox, G (2010): Overidentifying with Really Existing Social Media, in Roy Ascott, Espen Gangvik, Margarete Jahrmann, eds. Making Reality Really Real, Consciousness Reframed proceedings, Trondheim: TEKS, pp. 54-57.
Cox, G, Ludovico, A (2010): Really Existing Social Media, panel, ISEA, Volkshochschule, Dortmund. (see PRESS, http://www.liberation.fr/culture/0101654552-la-ruhr-envoie-les-bits-au-charbon ).
Dalsgaard, P (2010): “Challenges of Participation in Large-Scale Public Projects'. Proceedings of Participatory Design Conference 2010, Sydney, Australia.
Dalsgaard, P & Halskov, K (2010): “Innovation in Participatory Design processes'. Workshop, Participatory Design Conference 2010, Sydney, Australia.
Dalsgaard, P (2010): “Aligning Research and External Stakeholder Agendas in Collaborative Interaction Design Project'. Proceedings of OZCHI 2010, Brisbane, Australia.
Dalsgaard, P (2010): “Research In and Through Design - An Interaction Design Research Approach'. Proceedings of OZCHI 2010, Brisbane, Australia.,
Dalsgaard, P & Korbek, K J (2009): “Staging urban atmospheres in interaction design“. Proceedings of Nordes 2009: the third Nordic Design Research Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Dalsgaard, P & Halskov, K (2010): ' Designing Urban Media Façades : Cases and Challenges', CHI 2010 Proceedings, S 2277-2286, Atlanta, USA.
Fritsch, J. and Brunner, C. "Blood, Sweat, Tears and Balloons - Ephemeral Architectures", ISEA2010 RuhR Conference ProceedingS, Revolver Publishing, p. 162-165.
Fritsch, J. CO2nfession/CO2mmitment. Experimental Urban Media in the Climate Change Debate", ISEA2010 RuhR Conference ProceedingS, Revolver Publishing, p. 265-268.
Hansen, L K (2010): 'Practicing the Generic (City): - reconfiguring life through digital media', ISEA2010 RUHR Conference Proceedings, Revolver Verlag, S 500-502.
Iversen, O S, Halskov, K & Leong, T W (2010): 'Rekindling Values in Participatory Design', proceedings of the 11th Participatory Design Conference, S 91-100.
Iversen, O S & Dindler, C (2010): 'A matter of motivation - designing engaging interactive technologies for museums', accepted for presentation at ISCAR 2010, Rome.
Johansen, T S & Nielsen, A E (2010): ”Strategic Stakeholder Dialogues – A Discursive Perspective on Relationship Building”, Best Paper Award, Proceedings from the Conference on Corporate Communication , Wroxton College, 4-7 June 2010.
Løfgreen, L B (2010): On the aesthetics of climate change, Paper presented at ISEA2010 RUHR 16th International Symposium On Electronic Art, Dortmund, Tyskland.
Løfgreen, L B (2010): Let‟s Not Forget the Beautiful – Aesthetic Experience in the Day and Age of Digital Climate Art, Abstract from Environment, Aesthetics, and the Arts, Lahti, Finland.
Knudsen, B T & Nielsen, A E (2010): ”Acts that matter - new ethicscapes in the global world”, proceedings from the 60th ICA Annual Conference “Matters of Communication”, Singapore, 22-26 juni 2010.
Pold, S (2010): 'Panel 14: The Digital Aesthetics of Climate Crisis', i J Funke, S Riekeles, A Broeckmann & H MedienKunstVerein (red), ISEA2010 RuhR Conference ProceedingS, Revolver Publishing, S 155-157.
Pold, S & Andersen, CU (2010): 'Participatory Pyramids: An Interface for Climate Change?', ISEA2010 Ruhr Conference Proceedings, Revolver Publishing, S 165-167.
Ulhøi, J. P. &Holm, A.B. (2010) ‘Commercialization of New ICT-related Opportunities in the News Industry: Avoiding a Business-as-usual Mindset’ Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Internet Technologies & Societies 2010. P. Kommers; T. Issa and P. Isaías, Eds. ISBN 978-972-8939-31-1, S 311-316.
Veerasawmy, R, Iversen, O S, Dindler, C, & Smith, R C (2010): Participatory Design at the Museum - inquiring into children's everyday engagement in cultural heritage. Paper fremlagt ved Sydney, Australien.
Brynskov, M, Stentoft, M, Jacobsen, P.F, & Kabel, L (2010): E-publicering: En forskningsrapport fra Digital Urban Living. Forlaget Ajour.
Cox, G (2010): Antithesis: The Dialectics of Software Art (1 udg.) Aarhus. http://www.anti-thesis.net/contents/thesis/antithesis.pdf
Dindler, C (2010): Fictional space in participatory design of engaging interactive environments. http://www.native.dk/dindler_dissertation_web.pdf
Halskov, K & Petersen, M G (red) (2010): Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Aarhus, Denmark.
Reviewed Book Chapters
Brynskov, M (2010): Klimakanalen – publicering på storskærm i byrum i Brynskov, M, Stentoft, M, Jacobsen, PF, & Kabel, L (red.). E-publicering (S 52-57). Forlaget Ajour.
Brynskov, M (2010): Klimatrends – en eksperimenterende iPhone apP I Brynskov, M, Stentoft, M, Jacobsen, PF, & Kabel, L (red.). E-publicering (S 22-31). Forlaget Ajour.
Nielsen, A. E. & Johansen, T (2010): “Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Identity: Potentials for Disciplinary Cross-Fertilization within Research and Teaching”, in Contemplating Corporate Marketing, Identity and Communication, Klement Podnar ; John M.T. Balmer (eds.), Taylor & Francis.
Nielsen, A E & Thomsen, C (2010): 'Bæredygtighed gennem netværkskommunikation'; I: Miljø, energi og arbejdsmiljø ; red./ Helle Vang Andersen. København: Børsens Forlag. (Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger).
Løfgreen, L B (2010): Designing for critique, designing for reflection: The (re)emergence of aesthetics in current design practice. I Walther, B K (red.). Designing New Media: Learning, Communication and Innovation (S73-84). Århus: Gyldendal Akademisk.
Contribution to book/anthology
Bazzichelli, T (2010): ''Per una letteratura della partecipazione' (Preface of book)', i M Gerosa (red.), Parla come navighi. Antologia della webletteratura italiana, Il Foglio Letterario, Milan.
Bazzichelli, T (2010): 'L'arte disruptiva del business', REFF La reinvenzione del reale attraverso pratiche critiche di remix, mash up, ricontestualizzazione, reenactment, Derive Approdi, Rome.
Hansen, L K (2010): 'The interface at the skin', i CU Andersen & SB Pold (red), Interface Criticism Aesthetics beyond the buttonS, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Aarhus.
Løfgreen, L B (2010): 'Designing for critique, designing for reflection: The (re)emergence of aesthetics in current design practice', i BK Walther (red.), Designing New Media. Learning, Communication and Innovation., Gyldendal Akademisk, Århus, S 73-84.
Reviewed Workshop Papers
Bazzichelli, T (2010): 'The Disruptive Art of Business', REFF, RomaEuropaFakeFactory, Roma Europa Fake Factory, FakePress, Rome.
Brynskov, M (2010): Urban Interaction Design. ACM Designing Interactive Systems.
Dindler, C, Iversen, O S, Smith, R C & Veerasawmy, R (2010): 'Participatory Design at the Museum - inquiring into children's everyday engagement in cultural heritage', Paper fremlagt ved OzCHI, Brisbane, Australien, 26-10-10 - 22-11-10,
Iversen, O S, & Dindler, C (2010): A Matter of Motivation: Everyday Engagement and Cultural Heritage. Giaccardi, E, & Iversen, O S (2010): Heritage Inquiries: A Designerly Approach to Human ValueS Aarhus, Denmark: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
Non-Reviewed Publications
Bazzichelli, T (2010): 'On Hacktivist Pornography and Networked Porn', Paper fremlagt ved Arse Elektronika 2009. Of Intercourse and Intracourse. Sexuality, Genetics, Biotech, Wetware, Body mods, San Francisco, USA, 01-10-09 - 04-10-10.
Bazzichelli, T (2010): 'Aesthetics of Common Participation and Networking Enterprises', Paper fremlagt ved Interweaving technologies: the aesthetics of digital urban living, Aarhus, Danmark, 21-04-10 - 23-04-10.
Brynskov, M, Stentoft, M, Jacobsen, P F, & Kabel, L (2010): E-klima. e-magazine at Jyllandsposten. http://www.e-pages.dk/digitalurbanliving/9/ Brynskov, M (2010): South Korea: Technology Tiger with Global Challenges.
Brynskov, M & Nake, F (2010): 'Memorial: Peter Bøgh Andersen (1945-2010)', SemiotiX, vol 1, nr. 1. http://semioticon.com/semiotix/2010/03/memorial-peter-b%C3%B8gh-andersen-1945-2010/
Cox, G & Shearman, Z (2010): Craftivism, co-curated exhibition, Arnolfini, Bristol. (see PRESS: Melinda Rackman, in RealTime Arts, http://www.realtimearts.net/article/issue95/9771; Charles Darwent, Independent on Sunday; Elisabeth Mahoney, The Guardian; Emmanuel Cooper, Tribune.)
Cox, G, Haq, N, Trevor, T eds. (2010): Concept Store #3: Art, Activism and Recuperation, co-edited journal, Bristol: Arnolfini, 112pp, ISBN 9780-907738-97-8.
Cox, G (2010): 'Democracy 2.0', in Concept Store #3: Art, Activism and Recuperation, journal article, Bristol: Arnolfini, pp. 60-64.
Cox, G. Bazzichelli, T. Andersen, C (2010): Smart Mistakes, or Business as Usual, co-organised panel, Share Festival, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino.
Cox, G. (2010): From Residency to Network, The Future of Residencies, event organized by Visiting Arts, Tate Britain, London.
Cox, G. (2010): Art + Commerce, Dematerial: Critical Debates in Digital Arts, University College Falmouth & Arts Council England, Arnolfini.
Cox, G. (2010): Democracy 2.0, Parade: Public Modes of Assembly and Forms of Address, Critical Practice, Chelsea School of Art & Design/University of the Arts.
Pold, S (2010): 'Digital litteratur og bibliotekernes nye roller', Center for Digital Æstetik-forskning, Aarhus, S 1-14.
Pold, S (2010): 'Pia Arke. Skandinavisk Panorama. 1998 / Pia Arke. Scandinavian Panorama. 1998', i Hansen, F, Nielsen, TO (red.) Tupilakosaurus, Pia Arke Selskabet & Kuratorisk Aktion, Kbh., S 68-69.
Reviewed Journal Articles
Andersen, S.E. & Nielsen, A.E. (2009): The City at Stake: ‘Stakeholder mapping’ the City. In Special Issue City of Signs/Signs of the City. In Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, vol. 1, 305-329.
Bertelsen, O.W., Breinbjerg, M., Pold, S. 2009, "Emerging Materiality: Reflections on creative use of software in electronic music composition", Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, vol. 42 nr. 3, s. 197-202.
Breinbjerg, M. (2009). Poesis och livekodning. OEI, (43-45), 271-278.
Dalsgaard, P., Halskov, K. & Nielsen, R. (2009): Maps for design reflection. To be published in Artifact Journal.
Hansen, L. K. (2009). Lost in Location: - on how (not) to situate aliens. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 5(1), 3-22.
Nielsen, A.E. & Thomsen, C. (2009): CSR communication in small and medium-sized enterprises: a study of the attitudes and beliefs of middle managers. In Corporate Communications. An International Journal, 14(2).
Nielsen, A.E. & Thomsen, C. (2009): Investigating CSR communication in SME : A case study among Danish middle-managers. In Business Ethics - A European Review, 18(1), Jan., 83-93.
Nielsen, A.E. & Nørreklit, H. (2009): A Discourse Analysis of the Disciplinary Power of Management Coaching. In Society and Business Review.
Reviewed Conference Articles
Andersen, S. E. & Nielsen, A. E. (2009) “Climate conscious relations in a digital urban setting”, Proceedings of the 43th Annual Hawaii International conference on system Sciences, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, 5-8 January 2010, 14 s.
Bang, J. 2009, 'Is 'learning activity' the answer to the content/context question?', presented at TEL in the context of transformation, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 29.11.2009 - 2.12.2009.
Bang, J., Dalsgaard, C., Engelbrecht, K., Lemminger, R., Skaanes, T. 2009, "Touch the World - and communicate the experience via Mobile Phones", i Mobile learning cultures across education, work and leisure, s. 59-61.
Dalsgaard, P. & Halskov, K. (2009): Dynamically Transparent Window. Proceedings of CHI 2009, ACM Press.
Brynskov, M., Dalsgaard, P., Ebsen, T., Fritsch, J., Halskov, K., & Nielsen, R. (2009). Staging Urban Interactions with Media Facades. I: Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2009 (s. 154-167). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 5726). Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
Delman, T. F. & Nielsen, R. (2009): The AELIA-model – involving users in urban development. U-Drive:IT, Conference for User-Driven Innovation from ICT to other Fields. Aalborg.
Dindler, C. & Iversen, O.S. (2009): Motivation in the museum - Mediating between Everyday Engagement and Cultural Heritage, presented at the third Nordic Research Conference, Oslo.
Fritsch, J. (2009, Aug.). Understanding Affective Engagement as a Resource in Interaction Design. Paper fremlagt ved Engaging Artifacts - The 2009 Nordic Design Research Conference, Oslo, Norge.
Hansen, L. K. (2009, Dec.). In the shadow of the cell-phone. Paper fremlagt ved DAC - Digital Arts and Culture 2009, Irvine, Los Angeles, USA.
Leong, T. W., & Brynskov, M. (2009). CO2nfession: Engaging with values through urban conversations. I Kjeldskov, J., Paay, J., & Viller, S. (red.): OZCHI 2009 Proceedings (s. 209). ACM Press.
Nielsen, R., Halskov, K., Fritsch, J., & Brynskov, M. (2009). Out of the Box: Exploring the Richness of Children’s Use of an Interactive Table. Paper fremlagt ved Interaction Design and Children (IDC ‘09), Como, Italien.
Nielsen, A. E. & Thomsen, C. (2009) Study of Business Universities' Use of CSR: A Corporate Marketing Perspective. Konferencen: 4th International Research Days on Marketing Communications – Marketing Communications in a Hypermodern Society, Århus, Danmark, 26. marts 2009 - 27. marts 2009.
Nielsen, A. E. & Thomsen, C. (2009) Branding SMEs on CSR: An Exemplary Analysis of Counterproductive Argumentation. I: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications:Developments and Challenges. 2009. s. 78-83.
Nielsen, A. E. & Thomsen, C. (2009) Business Schools' Communication of CSR on their Websites: a Pilot Study. I: 13th Anniversary Global Reputation Institute Conference. 2009. s. 1-22.
Johansen, T. S. & Nielsen, A. E. (2009) Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Identity: Potentials for Disciplinary Cross-Fertilization within Research and Teaching. I: Contemplating the Corporate Marketing, Indentity and Communication. Routledge, 2009. 10 s.
Kabel, Lars (red.) (2009): Nyheder i nutid, forlaget Ajour.
Reviewed Book Chapters
Halskov, K. (2009): Traditions and Trancendence. In Binder, T., Löwgren, J. and Malmborg, L. (ed.): (Re)-Searching The Digital Bauhaus, 79-89. London: Springer Verlag.
Nielsen, Anne Ellerup & Kastberg, Peter (2009): Fra kommunikationsplanlægning til kommunikationspolitik, i Helle Kryger Aggerholm, Birte Asmuß, Marianne Grove Ditlevsen, Finn Frandsen, Winni Johansen, Peter Kastberg, Anne Ellerup Nielsen og Christa Thomsen (red.): Intern kommunikation under forandring, pp. 73-100, Forlaget Samfundslitteratur.
Nielsen, Anne Ellerup (2009) Intranettet, i Helle Kryger Aggerholm, Birte Asmuß, Marianne Grove Ditlevsen, Finn Frandsen, Winni Johansen, Peter Kastberg, Anne Ellerup Nielsen og Christa Thomsen (red.): Intern kommunikation under forandring, pp. 153-175, Forlaget Samfundslitteratur.
Pold, S. (2009): Overvågningens kunst - Overvågningsdystopier og interfacebegær i det urbane rum i 1984, Faceless og andre urbane interfaces, i Peter Lauritsen og Finn Olesen (red.): Overvågning – perspektiver, studier, praksis (arb. titel), Aarhus Universitetsforlag, in press.
Reviewed Workshop Papers
Fritsch, J., & Brynskov, M. (2009). Between engagement and information: Experimental urban media in the climate change debate. . Workshop on Digital Cities 6, Penn State.
Brynskov, M. (2009). Æblet i det japanske mobil-paradis. . Center for Digital Urban Living, Aarhus.
Halskov, K., & Lervig, M. (2009). IPC nr.: PCT/DK2007/000534.
Brynskov, M. (2009). Klimatrends (iPhone app). . Apple iTunes App Store.
Kabel, L. & Søndergaard, T. (2009). "eKlima: Udvikling, der også ødelægger", online publication, available at http://www.e-pages.dk/digitalurbanliving/9/
Non-Reviewed Publications
Brynskov, M. (2009): Æblet i det japanske mobil-paradis.
Brynskov, M. (2009): Facts about Digital Denmark.
Pold, S. (2009). Hvem sidder bag skærmen?: Fra overvågning til interface: Hvad er sammenhængen mellem teknologi, interfaces og overvågning? Udstillingen No Place to Hide på Skive Kunstmuseum tog fat på diskussionen. http://www.kunsten.nu/artikler/artikel.php?hvem+sidder+bag. Kunsten.nu. Pold, S. (2009). Faceless - Manu Luksch. I. Enter Action: Digital Art Now (s. 114-117). Aarhus: Aros Aarhus Kunstmuseum. Pold, S. (2009). Imaginary Interfaces in the Blue Sky. I Witzke, A. S., & Hede, S. (red.). RETHINK: Contemporary Art & Climate Changehttp://www.rethinkclimate.org/debat/rethink-art/?show=dlc (s. 30-33).
Pold, S. (2009). Netkunst: Nettets kunstneriske udviklingsafdeling. I. Enter Action: Digital Art Now (s. 124-127). Aarhus: Aros Aarhus Kunstmuseum.
Reviewed Journal Articles
Breinbjerg, M. (2008): System Event Sounds. In Fuller, M (ed.): Software Studies. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England: The MIT-Press.
Dalsgaard, P. & Hansen, L.K. (2008): Performing Perception - Staging Aesthetics of Interaction. In ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, 15(3), November, 33 p. New York, NY, USA.
Pold, S. (2008): Buttons. In Fuller, M. (ed.): Software Studies, 31-36. Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England, MIT Press.
Reviewed Conference Articles
Andersen, C.U. (2008): Networking Vampires – Life in a social network seen through a game. Conference: Association of Internet Researcher 9.0: Rethinking Communities, Rethinking Place, København, Danmark, 16. oktober 2008 - 18. oktober 2008.
Brynskov, M., Nielsen, R. & Ebsen, T. (2008): Aarhus by Light: An experiment in socially engaging media facades. In Proceedings of Urban Screens 2008. Mobile Publics.
Dalsgaard, P., Dindler, C., Eriksson, E. (2008): Designing for Participation in Public Knowledge Institutions. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM Press, s. 93-102.
Dalsgaard, P., Halskov, K. & Nielsen, R. (2008): A Design Space Explorer for Media Facades, Proceedings of Ozchi 2008, Cairns, Australia.
Dalsgaard, P., Halskov, K. & Nielsen, R. (2008): A Design Space Explorer for Media Facades. Proceedings of OzCHI 2008 Conference, Cairns.
Dalsgaard , P. (2008): Designing for inquisitive use. In DIS '08: Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Designing interactive systems, ACM Press, pp. 21--30.
Delman, T.F., Løssing, T., Lykke-Olesen, A. & Nielsen, R. (2008): Utopiatyping – new tools and strategies for citizen participation in urban development. In proceedings ACSP/AESOP Joint Conference. Bridging the Divide: Celebrating the City, Chicago July 6 – 11, 2008.
Delman, T. F. & Nielsen, R. (2008): Seeing Beyond – Using utopiatyping as a strategy for building capacity in urban development processes. In Proceedings of SUPS10, The 10th annual Sharjah Urban Planning Symposium, November 2008, Sharjah UAE.
Hansen, L.K. (2008): Lost in Location. In Proceedings of ISEA: The 14th International Symposium on Electronic Art, 204-205. Singapore: ISEA.
Iversen, O.S. & Dindler, C. (2008): Pursuing Aesthetic Inquiry in Participatory Design. In Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2008. Bloomington IN, USA.
Mailund, L. & Halskov, K. ( 2008): Designing Marketing Experience. In Proceedings of DIS, 222-229.
Nielsen, A.E., Andersen, S.E., Johansen, T.S., Refslund Christensen, D., Knudsen, B.T. & Stage, C. (2008): Responsible consumers or consuming responsibility? Proceedings from the Annual 58th ICA conference, Communicating for Social Impact, 21-26. May 2008, Montreal, Canada.
Nielsen, A.E. & Thomsen, C. (2008): Corporate Responsibility: Co-creating Change with Local Networks. In Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability: Leadership and Organisational Change. Proceedings www.eabis2008.info . Cranfield University: European Academy for Business in Society.
Bazzichelli, T. (2006): Networking. In The Net as Artwork, Milan, Costa & Nolan. (English version published by the Digital Aesthetics Research Centre, Aarhus University, 2008. Research part of the DUL Project. http://darc.imv.au.dk/?p=62 )
Reviewed Book Chapters
Dalsgaard, P. (2008): Experiential Design. In Pinder, S. (ed.): Advances in Human-Computer Interaction.
Hansen, L.K. (2008): Den intime computer - om krop, rum og relationer. In Ekman, U. & Fetveit, A. (ed): Kroppen: hinsides posthumaniteten. København: Turbulens.net.
Nielsen, A.E. & Thomsen, C. (2008): Quelles stratégies discursives pour quelle conduite de responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise? Quelques caractéristiques du discours sur la responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise. In Birkelund, M., Hansen, M. M., Norén, C. (ed): L'énonciation dans tous ses états, Mélanges offerts à Henning Nølke à l'occasion de ses soixante ans, 233-255. Bern: Peter Lang.
Nielsen, A. E. & Thomsen, C. (2008): Strategisk CSR-kommunikation og ledelse. In Jørgensen, H.B., Arlbjørn, J.S., Christiansen, A.M., Liempd, D.v. (ed): Corporate Social Responsibility, 16 p. København: Børsen Forum A/S. (Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger).
Nielsen, A.E. & Thomsen, C. (2008): Strategisk CSR-kommunikation i SMVer - er scenariet realistisk. In Morsing, M.; Vallentin, S. & Hildebrandt, S. (ed.): Forretning eller ansvar? Social ansvarlighed i små og mellemstore virksomheder, 167-190. København : Børsens Forlag, 2008.
Pold, S. (2008): Preferences/settings/options/control panels. In Fuller, M. (ed.): Software Studies, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England, 218-224.
Reviewed Workshop Papers
Dalsgaard, P., Dindler, C., Fritsch, J, Iversen, O.S., Halskov, K. & Brynskov, M. (2008): Digital Urban Living, workshop at NordiCHI 2008, October 19th, Lund Sweden.
Fritsch, J. & Brynskov, M. (2008). Urban Interactions and Affective Experience. NordiCHI 2009 Workshop on Digital Urban Living, Lund 2008.
Non-Reviewed Publications
Bertelsen, O.W., Breinbjerg, M., Pold, S. (2008): Tool – Material, Metaphor – Metonymy, Instrument(ness). In Proceedings of the Eighth Danish Human-Computer Interaction Research Symposium, 5-9, Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag.
Pold, S. (2008): Computational Composites and/or Interfaces? In NordiCHI 2008 Building Bridges, 575-576. New York: ACM Press.
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