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Total: 3 results found.

1. Poster Presentations by Geoff Cox
(Matching tags: civic communication,presentation,people)
Geoff Cox, post.doc at Digital Urban Living and Department for Information and Media Studies, is speaking at 3 upcoming cenferences: PARADE - public modes of assembly Dematerial - critical debates ...
2. Student Expo: Urban Interactions 2009
(Matching tags: poster,presentation,exhibition,courses,student projects)
As part of the course "Urban Interactions" at Information Studies, Aarhus University, students presented concepts and prototypes of systems they have developed. Below are a list of links to their web presentations. ...
3. Facts About Digital Denmark
(Matching tags: trends,presentation,civic communication)
Here are some (very) brief digital facts about Denmark. It is slides from a presentation prepared for Tokyo University, so the comparison is Japan. E.g. broadband penetration (DK #1, Japan #17); facebook ...

Contact Info

Center for Digital Urban Living
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Tel. (+45) 8942 9205
Fax (+45) 8942 9201

