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Total: 7 results found.

1. Smart Aarhus and AU Energy / Smart Cities
(Matching tags: civic communication,aarhus,Smart City)
Digital Urban Living is part of the launch of a big flagship initiative called "Smart Aarhus". Chaired by the Muncipality of Aarhus, Aarhus University, Central Denmark Region, The Alexandra Institute and ...
2. Visiting researcher: Andrew Murphie
(Matching tags: transformation,Andrew Murphie,visiting reseacher,art,media)
Andrew Murphie is a visiting researcher from the The School of the Arts and Media at UNSW in Sydney. He is Editor of the open access, online journal, The Fibreculture Journal (digital media + networks ...
3. Geoff Cox co-organised Plymouth conference and presents paper
(Matching tags: art,Geoff Cox,Plymouth,conference)
Geoff Cox has co-organised and will be presenting a paper at the following conference in Plymouth. PRECARIOUS TIMES workshop/conference, part of the Finale Symposium for British Art Show 7 "IN THE ...
4. Mayor presents Aarhus as a digital playground
(Matching tags: Next 2011,Smart City)
At this year’s Next 2011 Conference in Aarhus, Mayor Jacob Bundsgaard presented the vision of Smart Aarhus. Aarhus University and the Alexandra Institute are ready to join this opportunity. Smart ...
5. Networking. The Net as Artwork
(Matching tags: books,networking,net art,interface aesthetics,digital aesthetics)
The book Networking, The Net as Artwork by Tatiana Bazzichelli is a research part of the Digital Urban Living Research Centre and published by DARC, Digital Aesthetics Research Centre (Aarhus University). ...
(Matching tags: civic communication,partners,climate,intervention,aarhus,media facades)
... The installation is part of the Municipality of Aarhus' campaign CO2030, dedicated to engaging citizens in the efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2030. As part of this campaign, the Digital ...
7. Media Facades
(Matching tags: media facades,partners)
The purpose of the Media Facades project is to discuss and develop interactive media facades as integrated parts of the inside and the outside of buildings. The project contributes to new ways of displaying ...

Contact Info

Center for Digital Urban Living
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Tel. (+45) 8942 9205
Fax (+45) 8942 9201

