The journey of Holger the Dane

holger_danske_lilleCalm, stoic, almighty – the statue of Holger the Dane seems almost intimidating as he just sits there sleeping – somehow awaiting for something to happen. When the visitor stands in front of the two metres tall concrete statue it is not hard to imagine how Holger the Dane will one day come to life a day when needed. Through collaboration between Kronborg Castle administration, CAVI – Centre for Advanced Visualization and Interaction, DUL – Digital Urban Living, TEKNE Produktion and Aarhus University it is now possible to bring Holger the Dane to life trough an interactive visualization.

Read more on or watch the YouTube video The Journey of Holger the DaneThe Journey of Holger the Dane.



Contact Info

Center for Digital Urban Living
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Tel. (+45) 8942 9205
Fax (+45) 8942 9201

