Tuck Leong
Tuck Leong giving his talk at the Center for Digital Urban LivingTuck LeongTuck Leong from the Interaction Design GroupInteraction Design Group at The University of Melbourne visited DUL this week and gave a lecture entitled "Understanding serendipitous experiences when interacting with personal digital content". The work presented is part of his Ph.D. researchPh.D. research.

Tags: people | talk | visits

Climate on the Wall

During the climate conference Beyond Kyoto, citizens of Aarhus can engage themselves in the struggle for large-scale climate improvements by using Climate on the Wall, an interactive generator of climate statements that uses Ridehuset, a prominent building in the city centre, as a backdrop.

Read more about the project [in Danish] on www.digitalurbanliving.dk/klima-vaeggen.


Tags: aarhus | civic communication | climate | events | media facades


CO2NFESSION / CO2MMITMENT is an advanced video installation that puts a face on the struggle for climate improvements and gives the citizens of Aarhus a voice to be heard – and seen – throughout the city. The installation is part of the Municipality of Aarhus' campaign CO2030CO2030, dedicated to engaging citizens in the efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by the year 2030.

As part of this campaign, the Digital Urban Living research centre, in collaboration with AFA JCDecaux and the Municipality of Aarhus, have developed CO2NFESSION / CO2MMITMENT which offers citizens a chance of dedicating themselves to promoting a greener city.

Read more about the project [in Danish] on www.digitalurbanliving.dk/klima-bekendelser.

Tags: aarhus | civic communication | climate | intervention | media facades | partners

No Place to Hide


Lørdag den 7. februar åbnede Skive Kunstmuseum dørene for den digitale kunstudstilling “No Place to Hide”. Udstillingen er kurateret af Kassandra Wellendorf og rummer værker af såvel danske som kendte, internationale kunstnere. Udstillingen er meget vellykket i sin klare tematiske fokusering på overvågning og i sin kombination af større, teknologitunge installationer, f.eks. ”Taken” af David Rokeby, med små, overraskende og tankevækkende værker a la ”Potent Objects” af Camille Utterback. Skive kunstmuseum, der er partner i DUL (Digital Urban Living), har med ”No Place to Hide” formået at skabe en meget seværdig udstilling, der på det varmeste kan anbefales.

Udstillingen varer frem til den 13 april. Læse mere på http://www.skivekunstmuseum.dkhttp://www.skivekunstmuseum.dk/

ONE IS LISTEN er et værk af Morten Suder Riis (komponist, elektronisk musiker og ph.d. studerende ved IMVIMV), der undersøger de dynamiske ydrepunkter ved vores perception – fra subtil, næsten uhørbart til extremt voldsomt og insisterende.
Men ikke kun den auditive sans bliver sat på prøve. Til kompositionen hører også en visuel side, idet 100 små specialfremstillede LED lamper mimer det auditive udtryk. På den måde bliver der skabt en synæstetisk sammenhæng, der bombarderer sanserne.
Den visuelle side er lavet med hjælp fra Tobias Ebsen (ph.d. studerende under forskningsprojektet Digital Urban Living) og består af en lang række LED-lamper, der via et specialt fremmestillet computerprogram følger den musikalske udvikling.

Værket opføres af ensemblet Contemporánea den 23 februar kl. 20:00 i Literaturhaus, Møllegade 7, København N.Læs mere på http://www.contemporanea.dk/http://www.contemporanea.dk/

Tags: audio | digital aesthetics

Photos from the conference on sousveillance

Photos from the workshop, conference and concert of last week on 'sousveillance' is now available on FlickrFlickr.
More information is available at the blog of the Digital Aesthetics Research CenterDigital Aesthetics Research Center.


Tags: aarhus | conference | digital aesthetics | intervention | workshop

Sousveillance: Conference on digital art and surveillance (8-9th of February 2009)

In conjunction with the two digital art exhibitions in February (oneone at Skive Art Museum and anotheranother at ARoS) the research project Digital Urban Living as well as the Digital Aesthetics Research Center are hosting a conference on surveillance and digital art in the public urban space.

Sousveillance - The art of inverse surveillance

Please spread this invitation to any colleagues or students with interest within this field.

Tags: aarhus | aesthetics | conference | digital aesthetics | museums

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Contact Info

Center for Digital Urban Living
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Email: info@digitalurbanliving.dk
Tel. (+45) 8942 9205
Fax (+45) 8942 9201

