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Total: 5 results found.

1. Denmark pavilion for EXPO 2010 in Shanghai
(Matching tags: shanghai,expo,architecture,media facades,cases)
As a part of the media facade project CAVI has, in collaboration with Center for Digital Urban Living, developed and implemented a design for the media facade of the Danish Pavilion at the EXPO 2010 ...
2. The City’s Layers
(Matching tags: urbanity,architecture,cultural heritage,aesthetics,events,interface aesthetics,digital aesthetics)
Seminar on the city, art and media technologies The ability of digital media to add an extra layer to the cityscape characterizes the experience of the city as mobile phones, cameras, media facades ...
3. Workshop: Interactive Façades - Light as material
(Matching tags: workshop,architecture,media facades)
  On August 6-7, DUL, CAVI and Martin Professional held a workshop on media facades at Danish Design Center (DDC) in Copenhagen. The aim of the workshop was to develop visual and interactive experiments ...
4. Klima-væggen
(Matching tags: architecture,climate,media facades,civic communication)
Skriv dit klima-statement på Ridehuset! Under klima-konferencen Beyond Kyoto kan århusianerne vise deres engagement i kampen for et bedre klima i kæmpe skala. Det kan de gøre på ”Klima-væggen”, som ...
5. DUL in Lighting Magazine
(Matching tags: magazine,publication,architecture,industry,media facades)
Center for Digital Urban Living is featured in the article on "Media facades". "Lighting" is a leading monthly magazine for the lighting industry. 

Contact Info

Center for Digital Urban Living
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Tel. (+45) 8942 9205
Fax (+45) 8942 9201

