Public Interfaces

Conference and PhD workshop, 12-14 January, 2011, Aarhus University, Denmark

The conference and Ph.D. workshop brings together researchers from Aarhus University, University of Plymouth, and guests to address the broad theme of Public Interfaces as part of ongoing research in Digital Urban Living. It is organized by Center for Digital Urban Living and DARCDARC (Digital Aesthetics Research Centre), Aarhus UniversityAarhus University in collaboration with Dept. of Aesthetic StudiesDept. of Aesthetic Studies.

Emerging from DUL and DARC’s ongoing research around interface criticism, the aim is to broaden issues to encompass the development of urban interfaces, and the changing concept of the ‘public’.

Conference & workshop websiteConference & workshop website

Tags: aesthetics | civic communication | conference | digital aesthetics | interface aesthetics | media facades | new urban areas

Digital Natives

Digital NativesDigital Natives is an exhibition experiment about and with young people growing up in a digital age. The project explores the everyday cultures of these youngsters and experiments with new ways of exploring these cultures, using the newest interactive technologies.

Digital Natives is a practice-based research project experimenting with the intersections of anthropological research, participatory design and interactive technologies. The project concerns a generation of young people raised in a digital era surrounded by new media and information technologies, and whose life worlds are said to depart from that of previous generations, both mentally, socially and culturally. The project explores these young people's every cultures, identities and communication practices in a local setting and experiments with new ways of representing and interacting with these cultures in the context of a concrete arts/culture exhibition experiment. As such the aim is to create an inteactive exhibition experiment in collaboration with a group of young people (16-19y) that explores and expresses the lives and cultures of digital natives in Aarhus, year 2010.

Performative Interaction in Public Space

Workshop at CHI 2011, 8 May 2011

..:: Camera ready extended abstract (pdf)

Please note: deadline for submission of position papers has been extended to 18 Feb. See below.



We often use personal digital technologies while public, and more and more public interfaces find their way into our everyday lives. Simultaneously, metaphors from performance and theatre studies find their way into research on these interfaces, addressing how interaction with technology can be understood in a performative sense. However, the term ‘performativity' is rarely addressed in ways that accentuate its nuances and its analytic power, and this is the focus of the workshop.

The workshop is relevant to media theorists, practitioners and/or designers interested in:

  • Gestural interaction and on-body sensing (e.g. wearable computing/sensing, Wii, Kinect and proprietary systems)
  • Interactive media art (e.g. installations, performances or mobile experiences)
  • Public screens or installations (e.g. in public squares, airports, theme parks and science museums)
  • Interfaces for use in public (e.g. kiosks, tangible and mobile interfaces)

Tags: workshop

Read more... – an experimental magazine for iPad, iPhone and web

refleXx.dkLaunched on November 4, is a mobile- and touch-centric experimental magazine (in Danish, translated link heretranslated link here) developed primarily for tablets (e.g. iPad) and smartphones (e.g. iPhone and Android phones). It can also be experienced through desktop web browsers (best in Chrome and Safari).

The first issue contains five multi-media themes each consisting of a number of journalistic articles, videos, audio productions, photos and edited co-contributions. Every Thursday will bring a new theme. The themes are current topics from Denmark and the global scene.

Developed at the Center for Digital Urban Living, investigates a number of perspectives at the cross-section of journalism and interactive technologies, including journalistic production methods, genres, interaction, business models and technologies. A core component is the companion community, an ongoing and open editorial forum where participants may follow, suggest, produce and sell journalistic products to be published in the magazine

Tags: cases | civic communication | journalism | mobile

Smart Mistakes, or Business as Usual

Share Festival Logo

Share Festival 2010, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino. November 3, 2010 - 14.00-15.30. Panel hosted by DARC (Digital Aesthetics Research Centre, Aarhus University) and DUL (Digital Urban Living).

Presenters: Christian Ulrik Andersen (DK), Tatiana Bazzichelli (IT/DK), Geoff Cox (UK/DK), and Les Liens Invisibles (IT).

The panel investigates some of the interconnections between art, activism and business. Presenters examine how artists, rather than refusing the market, are generating cultural Trojan horses — social hacks, or “smart errors” — producing critical interventions from within. As the distinction between production and consumption appears to have collapsed, every interaction in the info-sphere seems to be a business opportunity. Therefore, the creative intersections between business and art become a crucial territory for re-invention and the rewriting of symbolic and cultural codes, generating political actions, attempts of social innovations, but also unexpected consequences and a deep level of irony. Errors or mistakes demonstrate the permeability of systems — that these can be reworked — and more so, that radical innovation requires modification of the prevailing business logic.

Tags: conference | digital aesthetics | networking

Seminar on new literary forms

Digital Urban Living is co-organiser together with Aarhus city libraries of a day seminar on new literary forms with participants from libraries, the literary scene nationally and internationally, e.g. the net-artist Christophe Bruno (FR). From DUL Søren Pold is participating with the talk "Digital literature in libraries without books?" The day will end with performances and readings from 17-19. It all takes place Friday 5th November at Aarhus Main Library and will mainly be in Danish.

For more information and registration:

Tags: aesthetics | digital aesthetics

The journey of Holger the Dane

holger_danske_lilleCalm, stoic, almighty – the statue of Holger the Dane seems almost intimidating as he just sits there sleeping – somehow awaiting for something to happen. When the visitor stands in front of the two metres tall concrete statue it is not hard to imagine how Holger the Dane will one day come to life a day when needed. Through collaboration between Kronborg Castle administration, CAVI – Centre for Advanced Visualization and Interaction, DUL – Digital Urban Living, TEKNE Produktion and Aarhus University it is now possible to bring Holger the Dane to life trough an interactive visualization.

Read more on or watch the YouTube video The Journey of Holger the DaneThe Journey of Holger the Dane.


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Contact Info

Center for Digital Urban Living
Aarhus University
Helsingforsgade 14
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Tel. (+45) 8942 9205
Fax (+45) 8942 9201

